Using Stock Images (we don’t)

I have noticed recently that more and more websites for kitchens and bedrooms are using stock images. Stock images (in this example) are often mocked up in a studio and photographed under studio conditions with specialist lighting etc. These photographs are then sold on and used by web developers to promote the companies they are writing websites for. It’s cheaper for the fledgling kitchen company than hiring a studio, mocking up designs and paying a photographer. Often these are supplied by the manufacturer of the kitchen, if it is a ready made range, so if they are advertising bespoke and you see repeated images it isn’t!

So whats wrong with that? We all look on websites not just to see the product but also to assess workmanship, design and layout ideas, but stock images show other peoples designs and layouts and workmanship, you could be misled.

How do we spot them? When shopping on line we become used to seeing the same photo for a product but if it’s a kitchen or bedroom and more than one company are using the image it is probably a stock image. There are exceptions to the rule, I have had one of my kitchens appear on a designers website who had nothing at all to do with the kitchen manufacture or design and another one of mine appears on an architects page because he was pivotally involved in the project.

Do we use pro photographers? No, yes, well sort of sometimes. Most of the photos on here are taken by me or one of the staff, many of them are just snapped with a point and shoot, some are taken with my dslr (Canon 550d) or Steve’s dslr (Nikon). The better quality shots are taken by a friend who has some fairly pro photography kit (Canon 5d, tilt and shift lens, 24mm L lens), and is a keen amateur photographer. I also have another friend who is a pro photographer who has given me some advice and helped with web design but hasn’t had the opportunity to take any photos of our work.

So here are some photos taken of a project with the Canon 5d  IMG_2083DSCF2746.JPGIMG_2086

IMG_2088IMG_2096 IMG_2105DSCF2753.JPGIMG_2130 IMG_2136 IMG_2139 IMG_2147 IMG_2157


These were taken with my Canon 550d


Pic 4 IMG_1742 IMG_1749


And these are with a point and shootP1060916 P1060945 P1060918


I hope that makes things a bit clearer and gives you some more insight into our operation. Anybody who wants to know more is always welcome to visit our workshop and offices in Staplehurst, you’ll get a warm reception and a cup of Pluckley Tea.

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